June 04, 2004
Kerry Incident, or Sampley hoax?

My conservative cube-mate directed me a few days ago to a story on NewsMax concerning an alledged incident between John Kerry and Ted Sampley (Of Vietnam Veterens Against Kerry), wherein Kerry flipped Ted the bird and screamed at him in front of some school children.

Now, i don't know if thisis a bunch of crap or not. I expect it's somethign the media would pick up on if true. But to date, 3 days after I first heard of it, only the Washington Times seems to have picked it up. A lot of blogs have it, but just regurgitating the Newsmax article.

What concerns me is that not only have no pictures come to light, but there isn't anyone else that has corroborated this story. Just Sampley's word. And Sampley isn't a guy renowned for his honesty and integrity. So what's the deal? Anyone heard or read anyhing that wasn't Sampley's account?

Posted by danisaacs at June 04, 2004 10:45 AM | TrackBack
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