June 02, 2004
Cell Phones on TV Shows

Something that I've recently noticed, and bugs me, is that on TV, they always have cell coverage. Now, I spend a good part of my time in basements and data centers, where cell phones rarely work. I can get 5 full bars of signal strength when I walk in the front door of my office buiding, but nary a single bar at my desk, 10 feet from a window ont he other side of the building.

But on NCIS, the phones work in the autopsy room, in the basement (or a few floors below level) of a big building. And on CSI-Miami they even work in a mourgue. CSI has no problems in casinos or their labs, and even out int he middle of the desert.

Nobody has coverage that good. Nowhere.

Posted by danisaacs at June 02, 2004 09:53 PM | TrackBack

Why is a cell phone working in a hospital? Wasn't that a Bad Thing™?

Posted by: Brian on June 3, 2004 03:37 PM

Can you hear me now? Now?



Posted by: Bob Roberts on June 3, 2004 04:21 PM
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