January 02, 2003
BigBrother Foosball

Saw this on ?>. Something we'd toyed around with doing in college. We played a TON of foosball. Actually, a modified version of the game called "Foseball" which was played on a modified foosball table. That's a story unto itself...

Anyhoo...some geeks @ NYU went ahead and wired their foosball table with sensors to track scoring. Built a login system using a card reader (which reads student IDs) and tracks statistics via a database. Displays game info via a Macromedia Director Movie. Pretty sharp. I know some combination of Andy, Jeremy, and beer would wind up with a better system. But this one seems functional. [link]

I was playing foosball on NYE at a nieghbor's house. It was a kid's table, not regulation. And I was a lot better than they were. But it was still fun. Sometimes I wish I hadn't sold my table before moving down here.

Posted by danisaacs at January 02, 2003 09:12 AM
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