December 10, 2002
Soup is Good

My favorite jaded fuck has taken my advice and joined the Blog world. I've known Brandt for the better part of a decade. He's without question one of my most favoritist people on the planet. In part because he can rant like nobodies business. He's jaded, cynical, and funny as hell. And while I'm often his biggest target, I'm always his biggest fan.

Check this snippet from his first installment:

i'm all for charity, but it's not up to fucking corporations to tell me where to give my cash, and you don't go around tooting your own horn telling everybody how goddamned great you are because you are involved with United Way. you don't give to charity expecting some sort of reward or a tax deduction. this is the reason i don't get all creamy when people say that Bill Gates is this great philantropist whose Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is worth $10 billion. big FUCKING deal. that guy is worth something like $50 billion. i can't even figure out how to spend $1 billion, and this guy hoards it like a new age scrooge. hey Bill! you can give your foundation another $49 billion and still fuck your wife on a fat pile of cash.

Posted by danisaacs at December 10, 2002 07:59 PM
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