September 30, 2002
The South was Right

Great, and I do mean great, rebuttle to this can be found here.

In my ute, I was quite the Northern Socialist. Grew up in a Union town, in a Union family. I still proudly wear my grandfather's Carpenter's Local 248 jacket when weather dictates. And I don't even think about buying foreign cars. So while I'd never given a whole lot of thought to the Civil War, I was content to think it was all about slavery. I conceded that it was sometimes indirectly about slavery ("state's rights" = "state's right to have slaves"), but still held that as the primary reasons.

Now, it was never something I cared a whole lot about. I was a socialist. I cared about the Labor movement in the 1880's-1930's. I cared about Civil Rights. I cared about the history behind issues affecting my community. In Toledo, the Civil War means little to nothing. There were other wars we cared more about.

But I moved. To North Carolina. Don't get your map out, it's in the South. Jesse Helms is my Senator. Need I say more?

Well, outside of my immediate environs, I would see these "The South was Right" bumper stickers. And it was clear that if it really was just about slavery, people would not still be so damn pissed off about it. So I read about it. I'm an Info-God: it's what I do. And it turns out they really, truley, were right. For the most part.

It's not the first time my text books lied to me.

Posted by danisaacs at September 30, 2002 10:28 PM

in the county in the south of which i am from (thomas county, gerogia) you would understand that less then 3% of the men in the whole county owned slaves. you would also find out about a scottish immigrant my dads researching that fought for the south. thats right an immigrant that left his country for america and then 20 years later fought against it. why? well he fought for his home... wouldn't you? maybe you should take some time and read some letters home from soldiers and you would understand that maybe the south wasn't full of uncle tom man-beaters with whos and fire in there eyes. if we study our history we could find 2 things that could spell out the reasons for the bumper stickers: if you study cornwallis's will prance through south carolina in the revolutionary war you would find the first notions of a total war. yes thats right burn and kill everything... hm maybe the movie the patriot was all about real people... francis marion.. "the swamp fox" remember the calvaryman colonel that burned everything down? yes he was a real guy to. actually he is the real reason why the war was won, he enraged the public so much that half the soldiers in his army.. yes thats right americans left and fought for the revolutionary side. what does this mean? well what did sherman do in georgia? how much of the south was destroyed? this is echoed in everything..ex. look at southern food; we eat everything off of pigs! so if we follow the same line of thought we could advance ourselves to the end of the great war.. wwI. germany starved for how many years? and the man that brought back pride and food to his people... who was he? hilter? there are so many reasons for sourthernors to hate people from the north still its funny. when i was growing up in south carolina.. in most circles you didn't dare talk about the war of northern agression. you might get your ass kicked. anyways i think the south for the most part there is still a cohesive social unit.

Posted by: wayne on February 22, 2003 10:34 PM

I wish more people, ecspecially people above the Mason Dixon Line, would question the education given to them by public schools.

Posted by: hunter on March 13, 2003 11:13 PM

i recently read The South Was Right, and i have to say, it opened my eyes. As a student living in Arkansas, what i have been taught in history since i was in 5th grade has been mostly lies. i have always felt my homeland, the South, was in the right. I truly believe, that if i have to listen to everybody elses opinions (all them yankees who write the history books), then someone should have to listen to mine. Im glad the Kennedy brothers were brave enough and smart enough to do whats right: tell the truth. Too many times people have been forced into forgetting their true heritage, because the majority of people thought it was wrong. I refuse to forget, and i am glad someone wrote a book that reminded others of the hardships the south faced just to have the freedoms granted to them in the constitution, and the freedoms that even today we are not allowed. Thank you, Kennedy Brothers.

Posted by: adena on June 28, 2003 11:04 PM

Ok, so all you who would prefer that the south had won the war...Slavery was ok in southern society. Slavery--the OWNING of another human being. So, this is ok with you? You talk of Abraham Lincoln's intentions and views toward slavery (as if you knew what truly was in his heart)and of those who fought in the battles. You try to excuse the south, because only a handful could actually afford to own slaves. You defend a culture which degraded one race in support of the privileged members of another. No, not just the privileged. Even white trash got to ride in the front of the bus sometimes. Oh wait, now I'm speaking of the 1950's. I dont claim that the north is or was ever free from the evils of racism, but it was the SOUTH which, until recently had separate public restroom facilities for blacks and whites. THE SOUTH WAS NOT RIGHT!!!!

Posted by: MIKEY on January 1, 2004 12:50 PM
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