September 30, 2002
Come home, and Shut up.

This is old news by now. But I sometimes work at work.

I heard this on the "news" this morning:

C. McDermott (Dem. Critter - Washington) was in Bahgdad to pressure the Iraqi's to accept UN inspectors, and said: "I think the President would mislead the American people"

And my first reaction was: No shit.

Then I saw Trent Lott (Asshole - Miss.) say this: "For him to be in Baghdad, the center of one of the most dangerous dictators in the world, with all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, to be questioning the veracity of our own American president, is the height of irresponsible. He needs to come home and keep his mouth shut."

Wow. Did I miss something, or was this the same guy that spent 8 years questioning the veracity of our own American President? And I can't tell you how impressed I am with Trent's masterful debate techniques. "Oh yeah? Well shut up."

Reminds me of yet another hilarious post @ DefectiveYeti

Posted by danisaacs at September 30, 2002 07:48 PM
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