November 10, 2005
I need a fundie to 'Splain this to me

Ok. As I understand Intelligent Design, it's premise is that all of the natural systems that Science (oh, glorious Science!) has uncovered were the work of a Designer. Presumably, this Designer built the world we see, and set it in motion.

Now, this is nothing new. It's pretty much what Diests believed. Unspoken, but certainly implied, is that the "whatever" that designed things, left it alone once they were done.

Now, what I need help understanding then, is how this Designer would do what that fucking lunatic Pat Robertson says they will. If the disgner really designed the system so that it was self-sustaining, why would the Designer intervene? Does the watchmaker stop by your house to change the way your watch functions?

Posted by danisaacs at November 10, 2005 08:52 PM | TrackBack

Not a fundie, but I'll note that some ID advocates don't admit this sort of regular cosmic meddling. They specifically state that the Designer designed the living cell. Other life could then have evolved and need not be designed.

Other ID-folk are down with the cosmic meddling ("bugfixing," perhaps, in design terminology?). I suppose it's the usual I-disagree-with-you-but-lets-get-the-godless-liberals-first coalition. But you don't even have to go this far to derive problems with ID. The cellular version of ID has enough problems itself. It might not make sense to call the watchmaker around once he's made the watch, but it also makes no sense to conclude that the watchmaker pushed up this or that mountainpeak just because it happens to serve as a primitive sundial.

Posted by: Not a Fundie on November 11, 2005 01:43 PM
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