September 08, 2003
I feel like a Hamster

Been working hard all morning. Worked right through lunch. Just looked at my whiteboard with my list of ToDos. And I busy as I was, I wasn't working on any of them.

Now, either my list needs changed, or I need to actually use that to determine what I should work on. reviewing the stuff I was doing (little admin stuff that could wait) reveals that I just need to look at the damn list when I get in the quasi-office and set priorities accordingly. And to ignore or postpone dealing with non-urgent user issues.

It's remarkable that I'm employed at all, let alone fairly good at my job considering the awful job I do of prioritizing tasks on a macro scale. Dealing with users promptly was something I was told I needed to focus on. I explained at the time that doing so would result in a drop-off in my performance in other areas, given the realities of Time's finiteness.

I saw this one coming.

Posted by danisaacs at September 08, 2003 01:31 PM | TrackBack
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