July 10, 2003
I love Capital Broadcasting!

I'm temporarily accepting there is a Lord in Heaven, just so that I may thank Him for the moral hypocrates @ Capital Broadcasting. Thank you Lord!

These people, who bring us CBS and FOX locally, have refused to air "Cupid", the new "reality" show that, in the eyes of Capital Broadcasting, "demeans marriage". It's Simon Cowell's (who I like) latest gig. The Sultry One was anxious to watch this load of crap, and is a bit peaved that they've decided to show Andy Griffith re-runs instead.

I, on the other hand, am thrilled. I need to write them a letter of support, and offer a list of other shows they should blackout locally.

In honor of their decision, I've provided the full lyrics to 'Fishing Hole", aka: The Theme to the Andy Griffith Show. I'll put the mp3 up when I get home.

Well, now, take down your fishin' pole and
meet me at The Fishin' Hole,
We may not get a bite all day, but don't you
rush away.
What a great place to rest your bones and
mighty fine for skippin' stones,
You'll feel fresh as a lemonade, a-settin' in the
Whether it's hot, whether it's cool, oh what a
spot for whistlin' like a fool.
What a fine day to take a stroll and wander by
The Fishin' Hole,
I can't think of a better way to pass the time
We'll have no need to call the roll when we get
to The Fishin' Hole,
There'll be you, me and Old Dog Trey, to doodle
time away.
If we don't hook a perch or bass, we'll cool our
toes in dewy grass,
Or else pull up a weed to chaw, and maybe set
and jaw.
Hangin' around, takin' our ease, watchin' that
hound a-scratchin' at his fleas.
Come on, take down your fishin' pole and meet
me at The Fishin' Hole,
I can't think of a better way to pass the time

Posted by danisaacs at July 10, 2003 11:33 AM | TrackBack

Just tell "The Sultry One" that you have your suspicions about this whole "Andy and Aunt Bea" relationship. :-)

Posted by: Brian on July 10, 2003 12:10 PM
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