June 09, 2003

It's no big secret that I have never thought highly of the President as an individual. And I've always viewed the principles in his administration with great suspicion. So the idea tha they lied about WMD in Iraq never supised me. And I never really considered the real impact of those claims beyond the purely political (how the people reacted).

Well, it seems there is good reason for them to be a little worried about all this. If it can be shown that the White House intentionally misled Congress to win support for a war, it would be a "High Crime" in addition to being a felony. Now, to a group so protective of their power, this is incredibly high stakes gambling.

John Dean, noted pinko-liberal*, covered this in more detail @ Findlaw last week. Go give that a good read. It's worth it.

*sarcasm. He was Nixon's lawyer.

Posted by danisaacs at June 09, 2003 04:49 PM | TrackBack

Nice article. Not only in the US but around the world people have to question American policy and honesty in future dealings.

Posted by: Bob Roberts on June 10, 2003 02:11 AM
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