May 23, 2003
My Motto

This guy (LotsaFlash) wrote this: (found on LMB)

"People who follow authority are dangerous motherfuckers. More crimes are committed in the name of obedience than disobedience. It's always the people who do what they're told who end up carrying out genocides and gas attacks. So just to be on the safe side I've stopped doing what I'm told, ever. That way you can always be sure."

Wow. I've felt this way since I was 12 years old. That doing things simply because someone told you to is to do things for a stupid reason. If you are going to do something, know why you are going to do it. Understand the context of your behavior as much as possible. This doesn't prevent atrocities per se, but it make you something less than a mindless idiot that takes everything for granted. And you'll hate most Television.

Of course, feeling this way for nearly 20 years has made me someone that is not all that great to have to deal with. A small price to pay for not being a mindless isiot that takes everything for granted. Or a lever puller for a gas chamber.

Posted by danisaacs at May 23, 2003 10:26 AM | TrackBack


"Dan, can you pick up some milk on the way home?"

"No Trespassing. Minefield Ahead"

C'mon Dan, life is not about questioning absolutely everything. When your little one at three years old starts screeching about cleaning his room, are you really going to go into a Powerpoint presentation about all the benefits of a clean room? No darnit, you're going to tell him you are the parent, he's the child, and he is going to clean his room.

Now, people that cluelessly go along and say "there wasn't a written warning that said 'Do Not Use Snowblower On Roof'", then I agree those people should be Darwin Award nominees.

Posted by: Brian on May 23, 2003 06:02 PM

Each of your examples is faulty, which isn't suprising coming from you. Please read what *I* worte, and not just the small paragraph I quoted. Then tell me me exactly what it is about my reasoning (not the quote's) that you disagree with.

Posted by: Unquestionably Dan on May 27, 2003 09:28 AM
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