May 02, 2003
Abs of Steel

Now that my nose has figured out it's not in a Marathon, my lungs have decided they didn't like softness that has has taken over my once rock hard abs in my advanced age. So they are making my cough. A lot. Feels like I spent all day doing situps.

I took 2 sick days this week. I took one in Feb, the last time Trevor passed a daycare gift onto us. To put this in perspective, I had never, EVER, taken a sick day from work. In nearly a decade of having a job of some sort, I had never called in sick.

But 5 months in daycare and the kid has gotten me sick enough on two occasions that I really could not have done much work. He better start walking soon. If I'm going through all this for him, the least he can do is get me stuff.

And that mower is self-propelled. No reason he can't start using it when he's 3. Might need help starting it, but I can do that. I'm all about helping him. ;)

Posted by danisaacs at May 02, 2003 01:04 PM | TrackBack
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