April 04, 2003
Hot Blooded

Got a call from Trevor's daycare on Wednesday saying his temp was 102 (which is too high) and we had to come get him. since Kristi doesn't have any time accrued after using it all up post partum, this meant that *I* had to go get him. Which, since this is the most important week of the most important project I will work on, proves that there is a God. And that he doesn't like me.

So Wednesday afternoon, all day yesterday, and half of today, I had to stay home with marginally ill Trevor. Not all bad, since I dig leisure. But it's put a great deal of pressure on my dept without me being there to deal with problems I should be dealing with. I'll spend most of this afternoon doing damage control.

Pity me.

Posted by danisaacs at April 04, 2003 10:09 AM | TrackBack

Better that he should be at home with you than at your office. I learned the hard way that brightly colored buttons (like the lighted switch on an APC UPS) are very attractive to toddlers. I guess Trevor's not toddling yet, but still, the principle is important.

Posted by: paul on April 4, 2003 11:17 AM

No doubt. I did bring him in yesterday for a meeting we had with our VP, since I was told all week it was absolutely required. He was fine, but started making noise at a few unfortunate moments. I'm glad I work for a small company. Can't imagine doing that when I worked @ Nortel.

Posted by: Perhaps Dan on April 4, 2003 11:40 AM
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