January 30, 2003
State of the Union

I couldn't watch the whole thing. It really was the most boring speech I've ever heard. Jr. was as riviting a reader as an average 3rd grader. The hushed, measured tones did not agree with me at all.

It was nice that he talked about hydrogen powered cars. Though if it became a priority, Trevor would be riding one to his first day of school, not in 17.75 years when he's allowed to drive. And the irony of him making this a SOTU point after ridiculing Gore for having the same initiatives during the campaign was too rich for my blood.

I like the idea of cutting spending. I just couldn't figure out how a >$200,000,000,000war or $20,000,000,000 Office of Faterland Security was in line with those goals.

His greatest achievement was correctly pronouncing "nuclear".

Brandt actually listened to the whole thing, and we generally have simlilar reactions to these things. So go read his commentary.

[edit] I see too that Derek has a very nice thread going, complete with ad hominin arguments.

Posted by danisaacs at January 30, 2003 10:35 AM

I must've tuned out LONG before he actually pronounced "nuclear" properly. For the 10 or so minutes that i suffered through, he pronounced it "new-cue-lar". What made it even more embarassing is that he was saying the word about 3 times a minute. heh heh.

How can someone make this kind of mistake? Does his staff hate him and let him say stupid stuff like that just to have the last laugh?

Posted by: dee see on February 2, 2003 05:22 PM
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