December 19, 2002
Iranians Detained (unfairly?)

Seems like a twist on the old "you've won a TV, come down and pick it up" ploy where all they get upon arriving is arrested. Only these weren't crooks. And they weren't told they'd won something.

Instead, they are Iranians living in LA. Apparently 100s of thousands of exiled Iranians live there (since the 1979 exodus). Well the Feds said any adult male from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lybia, and Sudan that was not a naturalized citizen must register with INS. Presumably there is additional paperwork from whatever is needed to get in here legally.

Well a bunch of men, primarily Iranian, went down to register on the day they were told. Around 500 were immediately detained. I'm sure they were all terrorists. Genius.

[BBC link]

Posted by danisaacs at December 19, 2002 09:48 AM

Bush was just mad that Lott got to say what he said before Dubya did.

Posted by: Bob Roberts on December 20, 2002 10:47 AM

What's next.. internment camps? ugh..

Posted by: kasia on December 20, 2002 07:51 PM
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