September 26, 2002
Book/Movie list

I'm making up a list of books/movies I want for my Giftmas list. I have a few pooter books, as that's generally all I think about. But my interests are far broader than that. I'm strapped for time, as my in-laws are rather insane about when they do their shopping (that we aren't done by now is a pregnancy inspired anomoly).

Z suggested Culture Jam, which I've been meaning to read for some time now. I still haven't finished (or really started, for that matter) the geeky science books I got last year. So i want to keep this batch limited in scope to books about parenting (only if you've personally read them), or books about how rampant consumerism is destroying our world.

So far I have:

1. Essential Blogging (Obviously, I need to read that book :)
2. OS X, tmm (Pouge's excellent book, 2nd Ed.)
3. iMovie 2, tmm (I have digital camcorder. I have Mac. I have iMovie2. I have a kid (soon). I need to know how to use iMovie.)
4. Culture Jam
5. You are Being Lied To (well, you are.)
6. Trust us, We're Experts (because I love that sort of thing)
7. The Zinn Reader (Becuase I've always loved Howie)
8. No Logo (That, or buy another pair of Nikes.)
9. Coercion (This should be higher on my list. The old BS radar needs tuned once in a while)

Give me some suggestions, if you have them.

DVDs: All Widescreen, if available.

1. Monsters Inc. (So I can annoy K with my impersonation of Roz)
2. Simpsons Season 2 (I just gotta have it sooner or later)
3. ET (the 2 disc set thing. Because Guns are scary)
4. SW 2 AotC (Widescreen, baby)
5. School House Rock! (Really, this belongs at the top.)
6. Pulp Fiction (Because nothing is as good as a SLJ Soliloquy)
7. The Royal Tenenbaums (I'm told is quite worth having)
8. Pi (I'm a math guy, after all)

Those are just ones I could think of. Any suggestions are welcome. I have a decent AV setup (DTS, Dolby Digital, 6 speaker), so I like to justify its expense.

This isn't a final list, by any means. Just something to work from. So if you have ideas, let 'em flow. And is it me, or does Amazon seems afew dollars high on some of those DVDs? I think Target might be cheaper.

Posted by danisaacs at September 26, 2002 11:24 AM


Quick Question. Have you seen Pi? Dumbest fucking movie I've ever wasted my time completely for. Actually, the movie isn't bad, but its definitely not 'good'. It's a waste of time though, and after you watch it you'll be like 'Man, they should pay me for the past 2 hours. They just stole that time from me, and on top of that, I had to PAY THEM?'

Waste fo time.

Posted by: john on September 29, 2002 11:38 AM

You may have seen it by now, but I just panned Culture Jam over at dy. Who is this "Z" who recommended it to you? I'd like to read a positive review of the book from someone who found it useful, because I really wanted to like it. Anyway, if you read "No Logo" lemmie know how that is -- now I wished I'd opted for that one instead of Jam.

Posted by: Matthew on October 1, 2002 01:01 PM
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