September 19, 2002
Dizzy Dole

As many of you know, I moved to North Carolina a few years ago (I'm from Ohio) to avoid long periods of depressing darkness and frozen snot.

Lucky for us, one of the most hotly contested (read: Richest) Senate races is to replace Jesse Helms, who has retired, not died. This "free" election is essentially betwen Elizibeth Dole (born in Salisbury, hasn't lived here for the better part of a Century) and Erskine Bowles, former Clinton Chief of Staff.

Moving on... There is big money being spent. The ads are non-stop. Erskin is a heady guy, knows what he's talking about. He wears wire-rimmed glasses, so he must be smart. His commercials are good, he focuses on an issue, and talks about how he's going to help deal with it. He's a nuts and bolts kinda guy. Policy wonk, in the vernacular. He's the guy I'm probably voting for.

Lizzy, OTH, is an empty dress. Her ads are all sugar. When she "talks tough" in her ads, she's very good at using a few keywords and not talking about anything close to being meaningful. She's getting hit for this in the media. Op Eds calling her out, saying she's nothing but a name, etc..

So she needed to do something about that. What she's done is added a short, 5-second blurb onto the end of each of her commercials, telling people to go to and read the "comprehensive and detailed Dole Plan". I was a bit shocked when I saw that, since I thought she really was an empty dress.

But then I realized I could probably write up a Plan, so surely she must have professionals on staff that could write up something pretty good. So I went to to see what it was. You have to look around a bit to find the PDF. But when you do, you notice it's only 2 pages. It's just an outline! There is no plan! It's September! The Election is in 6 weeks. And she only has an OUTLINE? She LIED!!

Forgive me if I'm suprised. But her husband was one of the most powerful Senators in the history of the Senate. You'd think she had something more than an OUTLINE by now. Man, I can't wait for the debates.

Oh, and how stupid of a name is CREATINGJOBSANDECONOMICSECURITY.pdf? How about DolePlan.pdf? Morons.

Posted by danisaacs at September 19, 2002 01:06 PM

may be u like me im a dog lover

Posted by: tejpreet on September 30, 2003 04:44 PM
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