September 18, 2002
Every Body, needs some Body.

I watched Govna Body on Hardball. I must say, I quite like the fellow. He balanced budgets, returned surpli to taxpayers. Extended health care coverage to every child in the state. Test scores are up across the board. He also mocked religion, something that I quite enjoy. He did it in a Playboy interview, which also somthing I enjoy.

But more than actually doing shit he said he'd do when he ran, he talked a little about how things ought to be. He said a lot of things that I found reasonable. But the best was this: (I'm paraphrasing)

"This country was suppossed to be run by Citizens. You come in, serve your 4 years, do your duty. Then you go back to whatever the hell it is you did before. When you have these "career politicians", they come to be concerned with one thing above all else: their career. They make decisions to benefit themselves. That is what's wrong with these shitheads."

Now, that's nothing I ain't heard (or said) before. But it's always nice to see your opinions echoed on TV. Even if it was just cable news.

Posted by danisaacs at September 18, 2002 11:40 PM
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