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Below are scanned images of the ultrasound printout from our second ultrasound. The first column (three pictures) show the baby from a side profile. If you look closely you can see his little hand in the last picture in that column.

The 2nd column shows a picture of the baby as if he's laying on his back and you're looking down at his little face. Below that is the picture proving to us that it IS indeed a little boy. (There is clearly one leg above and one leg below the penis).

The 3rd column shows another side profile - this one clearly showing the little fist above his head - you can count 4 fingers and 1 little thumb.

Finally the 4th column is another picture of the little penis

Name: TBD
Weight: 10 oz.
Sex: Male (Dan was right)
Hair: TBD
Eyes: TBD

Updated on Mon Jun 10 15:55:21 2002
Copyright 2002, Daniel J. Isaacs/Kristi A. Isaacs <Dan@DanIsaacs.com>