July 29, 2003
Father of the Bride

My sister got married this weekend. I, being the closest thing she's had to a father since ours died in 1980, gave her away. I haven't really decided which words could explain how it all felt, so calling it one of the better days of my life will have to do for now.

Here is the back of my head as I was in the process of giving her away:

And here is the lovely couple before exiting the church, holding my tuxedoed child:

Trevor and I getting down on the dancefloor (he was a big hit):

And finally, me hooking up with one of the bridesmaids:

Posted by danisaacs at 10:16 AM
July 22, 2003
Stop it God

This is pretty funny.

(found via EZimmer)

Posted by danisaacs at 08:48 AM
Evan Zimmerman's Blog

We had a recent addition to the RTP-Blogger mailing list. Mr. Evan Zimmerman can be found @ http://grizzlybear.blogspot.com/

I've just read what he had up on the front page so far. But he seems to be a writer (at heart, at least). And since a few of you sonofbitches that read this are also Word Whores, I thought I'd pass him along to ya.

We'll see if this helps his Google search result. He's 25th right now.

(I had a Senior Moment when first writing this entry. I titled it "Evan Thomas" who is a reporter and frequent guest to the Imus in the Morning show. Synaptic paths are awfully tricky to traverse as I get older...)

Posted by danisaacs at 08:13 AM
July 15, 2003
Why did they cut Taxes again?

Hmm. 500 Billion dollar tax cut. And a $450 Billion dollar budget deficit for this fiscal year.

And of course, that number does not include the 4 Billion dollars per month we spend in Iraq.

Good thing we didn't vote those fiscally irresponsible Democrats into office.

Get used to this phrase: "President Dean".

Posted by danisaacs at 12:41 PM
July 12, 2003
Hey Brian, turn on Trackback!

Bill Clinton got a hummer from an intern, and lied about it during a press conference.

George W. Bush used forged evidence known to be false to sway public opinion in favor of a war (in which thousands of lives have been lost) during the State of the Union Address.

Which is more worthy of impeachment?


Posted by danisaacs at 11:31 AM
July 10, 2003
Stupid Market

There is a reason my investments are in mutual funds and comic books...

We release some good news that should bolster any concerns the market had about our near-term viability, drastically cutting our burn rate with a refinancing of debt, and the market doesn't even notice. Less than 20K of volume mid-day. This was better than a short-term contract, which certainly would have generated decent upward momentum. I just don't get it.

Stupid market.

Posted by danisaacs at 01:44 PM
I love Capital Broadcasting!

I'm temporarily accepting there is a Lord in Heaven, just so that I may thank Him for the moral hypocrates @ Capital Broadcasting. Thank you Lord!

These people, who bring us CBS and FOX locally, have refused to air "Cupid", the new "reality" show that, in the eyes of Capital Broadcasting, "demeans marriage". It's Simon Cowell's (who I like) latest gig. The Sultry One was anxious to watch this load of crap, and is a bit peaved that they've decided to show Andy Griffith re-runs instead.

I, on the other hand, am thrilled. I need to write them a letter of support, and offer a list of other shows they should blackout locally.

In honor of their decision, I've provided the full lyrics to 'Fishing Hole", aka: The Theme to the Andy Griffith Show. I'll put the mp3 up when I get home.

Well, now, take down your fishin' pole and
meet me at The Fishin' Hole,
We may not get a bite all day, but don't you
rush away.
What a great place to rest your bones and
mighty fine for skippin' stones,
You'll feel fresh as a lemonade, a-settin' in the
Whether it's hot, whether it's cool, oh what a
spot for whistlin' like a fool.
What a fine day to take a stroll and wander by
The Fishin' Hole,
I can't think of a better way to pass the time
We'll have no need to call the roll when we get
to The Fishin' Hole,
There'll be you, me and Old Dog Trey, to doodle
time away.
If we don't hook a perch or bass, we'll cool our
toes in dewy grass,
Or else pull up a weed to chaw, and maybe set
and jaw.
Hangin' around, takin' our ease, watchin' that
hound a-scratchin' at his fleas.
Come on, take down your fishin' pole and meet
me at The Fishin' Hole,
I can't think of a better way to pass the time

Posted by danisaacs at 11:33 AM
July 09, 2003
Find this Man a Job!

I know a few of my loyal readers live in the North East. So use your hookups to get this man a job in Conn. so he'll have insurance to pay for his son's cancer treatements.

In addition to doing a good thing for someone that needs it, you'll get a few prizes chock full of geek goodness.

Good Luck!

Posted by danisaacs at 02:38 PM
It's Morning Time in America!

For this guy, at least.

"You see, he's still back in 1984."

And the rest of us just now getting there.

"Terry still believes Ronald Reagan is the president. "

Close, but Ronnie made up his own facts. The current President lets others make them up for him. I think the more unsettling news he'll learn about is what happened to Van Halen.

Posted by danisaacs at 10:23 AM
July 08, 2003
Yeah, We lied. So what?

I was frankly stunned by this. I didn't expect them to admit it. I have three dollars that this doesn't last two weeks in the news, unless it can be tied to Kobe Bryant in some way.

We should add a word to the end of the Pledge: "...with liberty and justice for all. Baaa."

Posted by danisaacs at 11:16 AM
July 03, 2003
On the Electoral College

I'm writing this because I think Brian's kids might read his blog, and I'll let them learn about the the word "fuck" while helping dad put something together.

A loyal reader and sloppy logician wrote:

"...then the whole Florida election came about when democrats conveiniently forgot about the Electoral College (and still do to this day)."

Are you fucking stupid? What exactly makes you think Florida is an example of anyone disregarding the Electoral College? Did they scheme to circumvent it in any way? Did they do anything in FLA that the GOP didn't try to do in NM? Do you honestly think the GOP would not have been just as, if not more, agressive while doing the same things the Dems did?

To say they forget about it when it's the only thing (other than an unprincipled SC ruling, Ralph Nader, and confused elderly voters) that kept them from winning the Presidency is beyond stupid. It's some new classification of senselessnes just below somebody that thinks abortion should be legal voting for people that make it illegal. But above thinking Daley was ever good for Chicago.

Posted by danisaacs at 11:28 PM
Looking for WMD?

Type "weapons of mass destruction" into Google, and click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

Or just click here. Read carefully. The links work, too.

Posted by danisaacs at 11:54 AM
July 02, 2003
The Voice of Liberation?

Remember when we were just going to be freeing the Iraqi people? Well, times have changed, and now we are just going to impose our will on them.

"We are going to fight them and impose our will on them and we will capture or, if necessary, kill them until we have imposed law and order upon this country.", said Paul Bremer, the Man in Charge over there.

Imposing our will? Why, I'll be darned if that don't sound just like something a colonial invader would say.

Posted by danisaacs at 03:27 PM
And the tide begins to turn...

Seems people are getting a little tired of this Iraq BS. A new poll shows most think he "stretched the truth" or lied about WMD. Dishonesty is a hole to big for $200,000,000 to plug. If one of those Dems turns out to be viable, don't be suprised to see Bush Lame Duck Redux.


Posted by danisaacs at 02:32 PM